A few weeks ago Holmegaard Værk opened for the public. My childhood playground. Now I exhibit 3 pieces of Amorphous in the exclusive area.
Hope to see you Londoners next weekend! Vessel Gallery is to be found at stand number S12.
Clara Scremini Gallery presented 6 new pieces from the Amorpheous series at the BRAFA Art Fair. All pieces was sold – thank you for the big interest!
Dear friends in London
From today you can visit the International Art Fair for modern Craft and Design. Collect 2019 finds place from the 28 feb – 3 march at Saatchi Gallery London. Presented by Crafts Council UK.
For this year’s Collect, Vessel Celebrates 20 years since opening its doors. Read the catalouge here.
Find the Vessel stand at number 8.4.
I am very greatfull to be a part of it.
Three days of art and networking. Art Herning presents over 40 galleries.
Bredgade Kunsthandel is bringing three of my works from the series Amorphous.
Vessel Gallery in London presents: “New Scandinavian Glass”. 8/11- 22/12-2018.
Featuring a selection of 25 new and established artists. This will be the largest presentation to date of contemporary Scandinavian glass to be shown in the UK.
Etienne Gallery is a very prestigious gallery in the Nederlands. We have just started a collaboration. I am very pleased and excited to see what this will bring. First move is presenting 10 works at the PAN Amsterdam and in the gallery.
Etienne Gallery at the PAN Amsterdam art fair (hal 8, stand 141)
18-25 /11-2018
Preview weekend at the gallery
10 & 11/11 2018 from 13.00 – 17.00
See all the available works at Etienne here.
og soloudstillingen
Åbning 13. september, 16 – 19
Formgivningen er for Karin Mørch en af glasskulpturens væsentlige omdrejningspunkter. Hun tilstræber balance i kompositionen ved hjælp af linjer og flader. Fladen kontra kurven skaber bevægelse i skulpturen, et organisk hele som understreges ved hjælp af matte og modsvarende polerede sider. Skulpturerne er opbygget af bløde, skæve – og rette linjer som fremhæver materialets transparente kvaliteter. Lyset fortaber sig i glasset og bevirker, at skulpturens korpus nærmest forsvinder og bliver et med omgivelserne. Karin Mørch arbejder gerne serielt, således at skulpturerne korresponderer enten ved en fortløbende bevægelse eller gennem farvevalg, hvor skulpturerne varierer i valør.
Annegrethe Davis
Bredgade 69, DK-1260 København K, +45 33135041,
info@bredgade-kunsthandel.dk, www.bredgade-kunsthandel.dk,
tirsdag – fredag 13 – 18 & lørdag 11 -15
Sidste dag: 13. oktober 2018
Udstillingen er støttet af
Foto: Karin Mørch, Amorphous lll, 2018,
formstøbt, sandblæst og slebet glas
Artist talk: 19. september, 17-19
You are all very welcome when we organize a pop-up glass exhibition at Statens Værksteder / Gl. Dok august 12th from 17-19.
At this day a number of art collectors from the United States (Habatat Gallery) comes by to see Danish glass art – afterwards we welcome Danish art collectors.
Artists represented
Backhaus-Brown (in collaboration with Egeværk)
Lene Bødker
Stine Bidstrup
Trine Drivsholm Møhl
Tobias Møhl
Stig Persson
Karin Mørch
I am happy to announce that I will participate in the INTERNATIONAL SKULPTURFESTIVAL which takes place in Agger (Denmark) the 4.-31. august 2018.
INTERNATIONAL SKULPTURFESTIVAL is the biggest sculpture biennale in Denmark in 2018. More than 75 artists from 25 different countries are taking part in this spectacular event where art is shown in the beautiful nature around Agger. VERDENSBALLETTEN is also coming and doing a performance.
Summer greetings from
Karin Mørch